God Of War Valkyrie Guide: How To Kill Kara (River Pass)

God of War Kara Valkyrie

Kara is the River Pass Valkyrie in God of War. She will summon some minions so you will need to take them out. You will also need to learn about her attacks in order to counter them and take her out quickly. In this God of War Valkyrie guide, we are going to walk you through how you can kill Kara.

Before you start the fight there are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind that can help you. First, you need to fill your Runic attack meters. Use Runic attacks to start the encounter with the Valkrie as they are vulnerable and you can do massive damage from the get-go.

If your meter is not full you can just stand there and wait for the meter to fill up. Once it is full, you can start the fight. The second thing that you need to do is fill up your Spartan Rage meter. This does a lot of damage and also heals you. You can use this to deal a lot of damage to the Valkyrie and heal Kratos. If the meter is not full then you can go back and kill some enemies.

Lastly, resurrection stones can come in handy when taking on a Valkyrie in God of War. If you die with a resurrection stone then press Square and Atreus will bring you back to life. You can buy these but you can only hold one at a time.

How To Kill Kara In God Of War

Killing Kara is not tricky once you know what attacks she is going to use and how you can counter them. The following are the different attacks that she uses against Kratos and how you can deal with them effectively.

Air Attacks

Kara will take to the air in order to attack Kratos and here are her different air-based moves.

Scythe Swings

Kara will swing her scythe at Kratos and try to deal some damage. This attack can be dodged. You can also parry it or fire arrows at her in order to interrupt the attack and have her fall back to the ground where you can deal some serious damage.

Projectile Attacks

When on the ground, Kara can throw projectiles at Kratos. Here is what you need to know about these attacks and how you can counter them.

Smoke Knives

Kara will flap her wings and throw projectiles that look like knives. You can block these attacks.

Yellow Disks

Another projectile that you need to keep your eyes out for is the Yellow disk. Kara can jump into the air and throw Yellow disks at Kratos. These attacks are of two kinds. She can throw a series of disks, which can be blocked. Then you have the single projectile which cannot be blocked. You will need to dodge this single shot.

Ground Attacks

The most common ground attacks that Kara uses are as follows:

Wing Attacks

Like other Valkyries in God of War, Kara will attack Kratos with her wings. You can block these attacks. When she is done, you can attack her.


Kara has a unique ability that allows her to summon enemies. While they do not do a lot of damage, they can be annoying. Luckily you can use the arena and knock them off the edge to finish them off quickly.

They are weak and easy to kill but they can distract you from Kara and you do not want to take your eyes off of her. She can attack you even when you are not attacking her. Of you hear “Behind you!” or “Watch your left!” then you should stop what you are doing and roll away.

If you are interested in learning more then be sure to check out our other God of War Valkyrie guides as follows:

This marks the end of our God of War Kara Valkyrie guide.

Editor and Senior Content Writer at PrimeWikis. Former PC Hardware Editor at SegmentNext. Gaming since the second grade.

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