Primewikis mission is to become the number one source of gaming guides and walkthroughs. Doesn’t matter if it’s PC games, PlayStation or Xbox or what ever other console you’re playing on, we have the guide for it.
With over 10 million readers from 2018 and millions coming back every month since, we know we are doing something right.
We strive to provide very deep and in-detail guides and walkthroughs, to help our readers with every step of the game they are currently playing.
The site regularly updates with new games, and provides very specific tips and advice on the games you love.
The team of writers behind this site are real gamers, they spend hours on hours playing the games they write about, and most of the information you see on this site is their own experience after actually playing the game. This gives Primewikis a unique point of view into the world of guides that other sites can’t have.
Since the end of 2019 Prime Wikis has joined Alony Media as another quality brand and our team has slowly taken over the editing and writing for the site.
Editorial Guidelines
We strive to create content that really helps the reader and we hold true to our editorial guidelines which is to make sure the content we provide here is up to date, correct and provides the value our readers have gotten used to.
The writing team of this website also upholds the general content policy of Alony Media which you can find here.
Fact Checking and Corrections Policy
As part of our regular process of creating the content and guides you read on our site, we make sure to fact check and collaborate with real gamers and contributers that help us keep the information shared here true and accurate.
However, as with a lot of things in life, mistakes can happen, if you happen to find a mistake or something that needs to be corrected, please contact us here
About Alony Media
Alony Media is a leading Digital Publisher with 15 years of publishing experience. More than 2.5M people read our content and visit our brands every month for accurate and value information and also just find inspiration and entertainment in our content.
PrimeWikis Writing team
- Mohib Nadeem – A true gamer in heart, Muhib has been playing video games before he even began walking. Having played almost every game under the sun, his unique approach to writing guides makes his content a can’t miss!
- Talha Amjad – Goes by the name Talha, this gamer actually plays the games he wants to write about first, and only after that goes and buys the game ( we buy it for him ) and writes while he plays the game, this is the highest level ( pun intended ) that a gaming writer can achieve.
- BIlly Foxfort – This gal would rather have in her hand a joystick than any other thing in the world. Joining our team after we found her in the Reddit gaming subs, we were impressed by her vast knowledge about popular games and it was a no brainer for us to ask her to join our team.
We are hiring freelance writers
We are always looking to bring talented writer to our team at this site or on other sites across Alony Media. If you are a writer and looking for work, please email us at [email protected] with samples of your work.
Mission Statement
To create the most in-depth WIki and guides about all the games published! That’s it’ it’s a bold mission, but we are getting it done, one game at a time.
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