Six Days Gone Lost Lake Nero Intel Collectibles must be found in the third region of the video game developed by Bend Studio for PlayStation 4; thus we have created the following locations guide and map to help you retrieve them.
Lost Lake Nero Intel Locations Map
Just like the Intel Collectibles in Cascade Region, and those in Belknap, in order to get 100% completion in Lost Lake, you’ll have to find all Nero Recorders displayed on our map.
The following guide covers all Nero Recorders in Lost Lake Region and provides an in-depth approach for each collectible.
The guide follows the same order as the one on our map, thus it will help you track every Nero Intel in Lost Lake.
Intel 1 – Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 1231
Location: The first Days Gone Lost Lake Intel Collectible on our map is located inside Santiam Tunnel Nero Checkpoint.
Look for it in the MMU building with the bed, on a green shelf. Last but not least, make sure you grab the IPCA Tech behind the outer fence.
Intel 2 – Mobile Medical Unit Recording – 1301
Location: The second Days Gone Nero Intel on our map above is inside Old Sawmill Nero Checkpoint.
You’ll find it on a counter in the building with the Gun Locker.
Intel 3 – Flight Data Recording – 2044
Location: Another Intel Recorder Collectible is found at the second Lost Lake Nero Research Site in our guide. This Intel; however, requires you to perform a bike jump.
If you can’t reach the cliff, make sure you upgrade Deacon’s bike. The Intel sits on a crate located on a small hill by the crashed helicopter.
Intel 4 – Researcher Field Note – 1960
Location: The fourth Days Gone Lost Lake Recorder is also inside a Research Site.
Look for it in front of a cave, next to a corpse.
Intel 5 – Researcher Field Note – 0988
Location: The fifth collectible is inside a cave known as Metolius Lava Cave. You’ll visit this location with Iron Mike; however, if you wish to get the Intel inside without dying, travel here during the night; otherwise, you’ll encounter a
The collectible is sitting on a barrel, on the left side of the main tunnel, as you descend in the cave.
Intel 6 – Researcher Field Note – 2073
Location: The sixth Days Gone Nero Intel Collectible, is found inside Lucky Lad Mine, several steps north of Deerborn Ambush Camp.
If you follow the game’s story, you’ll reach it with Skizzo, looking for some dynamite. The collectable is found on a blue barrel with a dead Nero scientist in front of it.
Simply follow the train tracks until you see a small wooden door, then turn left to notice the collectible pictured above.