Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint Location

Days Gone

PlayStation 4

Days Gone: Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint Walkthrough

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint Location

Days Gone Spruce Lake is a Crater Lake Nero Checkpoint featured in the latest video game developed by Bend Studio for PlayStation 4.

Location & Rewards

Wizard Island Camp Trust Points: 700
Credits: 3500
XP: 2000


Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint is also a location featured in World’s End Storyline. This means that you must explore and unlock it in order to complete all storylines in the videogame.

This checkpoint shares the same location with Spruce Lake Ambush Camp, in the southwestern part of Crater Lake Region.

Getting Inside

How to Get Inside Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint Days GoneGetting inside Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint is very easy once you clear the Ambush Camp in front of the tunnel. Make sure you check our walkthrough if you encounter difficulties in dealing with the Marauders.

As you can notice in the image above the MMU unit sits inside a courtyard; however, once you get inside, you’ll have to be extremely careful and disable all MMU Speakers listed below.

This checkpoint is far more dangerous than the rest, because in the tunnel on the other side of the courtyard is a Horde. Alerting this Horde leads to a fight which you may not win.

Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker 1

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speakers Location 1The first MMU Speaker you’ll want to silence is the one close to the Sniper Tower and the outer fence.

Take it out using a Crossbow then get inside the Nero Checkpoint through the hole in the fence on the right side of the compound.

Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speakers 2 & 3

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker Location 2The next two Nero Speakers are on top of the MMU building in the southern part of the checkpoint.

They are easy to spot since they are very close to the fence.

Climb the building using the crates nearby and silence both of them.

Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker 4

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker Location 3

Another MMU Speaker at Spruce Lake Nero Checkpoint is found by the road in the middle of the camp.

Shoot it down using a bolt.

Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speakers 5 & 6

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker Location 4Two additional speakers can be observed on top of the MMU building you’ll need to unlock.

These can be disabled by climbing on the roof and pressing Square while next to them.

Spruce Lake Nero MMU Speaker 7

The seventh speaker is on top of a utility pole close to the small hill inside the courtyard.

This can be easily missed, so make sure you shoot it down before starting the generator.

Nero Fuse Location

Days Gone Spruce Lake Nero Fuse LocationAfter you silence all speakers it’s time to start the generator.

But first, you’ll need the Nero Fuse located inside a crate behind the tent on the in the courtyard.

It’s quite easy to fins using the picture above.

Now that you have the Nero Fuse, place it in the fuse panel on the wall of the MMU building.

Generator Fuel (Gas) Location

Days Gone Spruce Lake Checkpoint Generator Fuel LocationThe fuel canister is located in the red service truck on the main road. You should see it behind a larger army truck. Take the fuel to the generator near the main road.

Press O to fill it with gas.

Finally, press Square to start it. If it doesn’t try several times. The location is now unlocked and you are free to loot it.

Notable Items

Item: Location:
Nero Injector Inside a white crate on the other side of the MMU Unit
Nero Intel Recorder (#51) On a counter, opposed to the Gun Locker
Medkit, Health Cocktail On a shelf opposed to the bed
IPCA Tech Found outside on the hill overseeing the checkpoint and close to a beer pong table
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