Days Gone Belknap R.I.P Sermon Collectible Location Map

Days Gone

PlayStation 4

Days Gone: Belknap R.I.P. Sermon Collectible Location

Days Gone Belknap Region also includes only 1 R.I.P Sermon Collectible you have to find to get 100% completion in the video game developed by Bend Studio for PlayStation 4.

Belknap R.I.P. Sermon Location Map

Days Gone Belknap R.I.P Sermon Collectible Location MapDays Gone R.I.P. Sermons Collectibles become available later in the game, and even if they don’t appear on your map, you can still collect them using our guides.

Each location features a fixed number of R.I.P Sermons you need to find if you wish to get 100% of the Days Gone Collectibles.

In Belknap Region (just like in Cascade), there is only one.

Our Belknap R.I.P Sermon location guide refers to this specific collectible and explains where to find it.

R.I.P Sermon Collectible 1 – “Don’t Run”

Days Gone Belknap R.I.P. Sermon Collectible Location 1

Description: Carlos’ RIP Sermon for those who run from the dark.”

Entry #: 2

Location: The Days Gone R.I.P. Sermon Collectible in Belknap Region is found east of Crazy Willie’s Infestation, south of Belknap Caves Ambush Camp and west of Little Bear Lake Nero Checkpoint.

Look for it on a hill in front of a Ripper Camp.

In the picture above you can notice that the said hill is overseeing Willie’s Garage.

If the collectible doesn’t spawn for you in the video game, try completing the Encampment Jobs for Tucker at Hot Springs.

By the time you reach the fourth, the collectible should be there. Approach it and press Square to stop the radio station.

Founder and senior content producer at PrimeWikis, I am the former CEO of I've been playing video games since 1994, and I like to keep up with the latest video game releases. Feel free to get in touch with me if gaming is your passion.

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