Although you can practically rob any house in Red Dead Redemption 2, some of the homesteads you find during your exploration are richer than others. These RDR2 homesteads also have some background stories you can discover, or play a role during specific Companion Activities. Because the Red Dead Redemption II home robberies allow you to earn some extra-cash; finding these homesteads and robbing th...[Read More]
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Unique Items can be found only at specific locations throughout the game’s world. They can take various forms and you need them for Total Completion in RDR2. You can find all sorts of unique weapons, outfits, and items in Red Dead Redemption 2 but you cannot simply buy them. As you can see listed below, these unique collectibles in RDR2 can be rare weapons, unique outfits...[Read More]
When visiting your camp in Red Dead Redemption 2, your companions will often ask you to bring them various items in exchange for rewards. These mini-quests or side-missions are known as Item Requests and will give you a chance to interact with Dutch’s gang members and find additional details about them. How To Complete All Companion Item Requests In Red Dead Redemption 2 Completing the Red Dead Re...[Read More]
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Old Brass Compass is a unique item and crafting material you can use to create the Raven Claw Talisman for Arthur. In the video game, you can find and collect the Old Brass Compass starting Chapter 2, after you reach Horseshoe Overlook. The Old Brass Compass in Red Dead Redemption II; however, requires you to complete a Stranger Mission. Where to Find ...[Read More]
Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Earrings are valuables you can find while playing the video game developed by Rockstar Studios. As most valuables in the game, you can opt to sell them, or you can use them in crafting. The Gold Earring, for example, can be used to craft the Boar Tusk Talisman at the Fence. In Red Dead Redemption II, this unique material can usually be found by looting the bodies of...[Read More]
In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can rob every coach and stagecoach you encounter while exploring the world; however, only 6 of them are unique; meaning that will allow you to earn more money than you usually receive while stealing from a random carriage. These 6 unique Red Dead Redemption 2 Stagecoach Robberies can’t be attempted until you reach Chapter 3 in the video game developed by Rocksta...[Read More]
The Red Dead Redemption 2 Gold Jointed Bracelet is one of the four valuables you need to find while playing the video game developed by Rockstar Studios; if you wish to craft all talismans for Arthur. Basically, the Gold Jointed Bracelet in Red Dead Redemption II is the equivalent of the Silver Chain Bracelet; but while the latter pairs with the Silver Earring; the Gold Bracelet pai...[Read More]
Red Dead Redemption 2 has plenty of wildlife which includes legendary animals. In this guide, we are going to look into how you can locate, skin and kill the legendary Alligator also known as the Bull Gator in Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator The legendary Alligator or Bull Gator is one of the 14 legendary animals in the game that you can hunt and skin. Doing so wil...[Read More]
Knowing the locations of all Red Dead Redemption 2 Gang Hideouts and the areas where the rival gangs ambush you; is a key element in the video game developed by Rockstar Studios for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Finding 6 Gang Hideouts is also a requirement for Total Completion; therefore it is only normal to reveal the locations of all RDR2 Gang Hideouts as part of our Red Dead Redemption II Wiki. ...[Read More]