The Dark Zone can be a very dangerous place in The Division 2. If you have played the previous game then you already are familiar with this region of the map. The Division 2 has multiple Dark Zones that you can access so you are going to need a special build. In this guide, we are going to go over a build that will help you survive the Dark Zone in The Division 2.
The Division 2 Dark Zone Build
There are multiple weapons, perks, talents and gear pieces in the game but in this Division 2 Dark Zone build guide, we are going to look into gear that is going to get you out of the Dark Zones alive.
When it comes to weapons, pick a weapon that does consistent damage. This can be an assault rifle or an SMG. For the other weapon, you should pick something that does burst damage. Marksman Rifles and Shotguns are going to be great in this case. Increased critical strike is going to help you with both weapons.
We recommend using The Railsplitter as your primary weapon and the Eagle Bearer as your secondary weapon. You can also use The Merciless or M45A1.
Armor And Skills
Now that we have gone over the weapons, we should also look into the armor. the following is the build that I use in the Dark Zones:
Helmet: True Patriot (+6%Crit Hit Chance, +54% Hazard Protection [mod], Offensive System: Fire Arms w/ 1% weapon damage and 5%Assault Rifle dmg)
Chest: Gila Guard (8.5% total armor, 43675 armor [mod], 6.5 weapon dmg, def system: mending w/ 3945 armor, 3 explosive resistance, 4 total armor; offensive system: firearms w/ 2 weapon dmg, 3% ar dmg, 1% dmg to armor; deff system: mending w/ 4172 armor, 5 health regen & 4 total armor)
Holster: True Patriot (9.5 Crit hit dmg, 16% crit hit chance [mod], offensive system: firearms w/ 0.5 weapon dmg, 3 SMG dmg, 5 ar dmg; offensive system: firearms w/ 2 weapon dmg, 3 LMG dmg, 3 ar dmg)
Kneepads: Gila Guard (12 total armor [mod], defensive system: mending w/ 4637 armor, 3.5 total armor, 2 protection from elites; defensive system: mending w/ 4503 armor, 3.5 total armor, 2962 health)
Gloves: Fenris Group (139 skill power, 13 ar damage [mod]
Backpack: Gila Guard (11801 armor, 2.5 weapon dmg, 19.5 total armor [mod], offensive system: firearms w/ 1.5 weapon dmg, 4 ar dmg, 2 rifle dmg; def system: mending w/ 3872 armor, 4 total armor, 1 health)
Skills: Booster hive for Merciless. Striker drone or mender seeker mine with Eagle Bearer.
This is what I use in the Dark Zones. This is a very effective build but if you get better stats and mods then your build can be even better. Be sure to explore, be creative and tweak your build according to the new gear and weapons that you get.
Remember that when it comes to gear it is better to get two or three pieces that buff the same type of weapon than it is to spread your bonuses out.
That is all for our The Division 2 Dark Zone build guide. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on how you can unlock the Liberty exotic pistol.