Scarlet Nexus Combo Vision Guide: How To Use

Scarlet Nexus Combo Vision

Scarlet Nexus’ combat us unique and engaging in its own way. You have a lot of abilities and attacks to work with. One of these attacks is the Combo Vision. This Scarlet Nexus guide will include the details on how you can use Combo Vision in the game.

How to Use Combo Vision in Scarlet Nexus

Combo Visions are tag-team attacks that you can use on the Others. You swap out with a teammate for a short time. The character will then perform a quick attack that depletes the crush gauge of the enemies quite a bit. This will allow you to perform a Brain Crush relatively quicker.

Even though the attack is good, you need to know that it takes 60% of your teammate’s SAS power. However, even if you want to pull off this attack, you will need to have your teammate’s SAS power at Level 3. You can upgrade their SAS by using their abilities more in combat, replying to Brain Messages, or giving them gifts. Once you get this done, you can use Combo Vision in combat.

To use Combo Vision in combat, you need to hold the Left Bumper or L1 on your controller. Then you will get the option to select the face of your teammate whose Combo Vision you want to use. Every character has a different Combo Vision attack. If you want to check about any Combo Vision before unlocking it, then open the SAS tab. You can highlight the ability and press Confirm SAS Effects by pressing Square on PlayStation or X on the Xbox controller.

This is how you can use combo vision in Scarlet Nexus. If you want to learn more then you can check out our guide on how you can use Intercept.

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