Like other battle royale games, Apex Legends has an in-game currency and shops. You can use this currency to buy different items. In this guide, we are going to go over the in-game currency in Apex Legends and the shops. We will also go over what you can buy with the currency.
Apex Legends In-Game Currency And Shops
The following is what you need to know about the in-game currency in Apex Legends and the shops at which it can be used.
In-Game Currency
Interestingly, the game does not have a single in-game currency but three. Crafting Metals, Legend Tokens and Apex Coins.
Crafting Metals
Crafting metals can be used to unlock weapon skins, banners and finishing moves. The rarity of the item you want to unlock will affect the amount of crafting metals that you need. The rarer the item, the more crafting metals you are going to need.
As you level up in Apex Legends, you will unlock Apex Packs. These will give you crafting metals.
Legend Tokens
As the name implies, this in-game currency allows you to unlock different Legends in Apex Legends. You can also use these tokens to gain specific cosmetic items that are in the Rotating Shop.
You will gain a certain amount of Legend Tokens each time you level up in the game. It takes 12,000 Legend Tokens to unlock characters like Caustic or Mirage.
Apex Coins
This is the in-game currency in Apex Legends that you can get only by spending money. You can use the digital storefront to buy Apex Coins. These can be used to buy Apex Packs, characters and items in the Rotating shop.
What Is The Battle Pass And Battle Bundle?
Battle Passes have become pretty common and the system applied to Apex Legends is similar to what you find in other games such as Fortnite. You spend 950 Apex Coins and can earn up to 100 tiers of rewards.
Rewards include new skins, banners and Apex Coins. You can also get back the 950 Apex Coins that you spend on the Battle Pass if you have progressed through the Battle Pass enough.
The Battle Bundle is more expensive and costs 2800 Apex Coins but you get the first 25 levels of the Battle Pass instantly. This means that you start at level 26. This is great if you are a dedicated player and want a headstart. It can also be used for bragging rights.
Is Apex Legends Pay-To-Win?
While the game does have multiple currencies and stores and you can spend actual money, it is still not pay-to-win. Everything that you can earn or buy is cosmetic only. People that spend money in Apex Legends have no advantage over players that choose not too. They do not get better armor or weapons or anything like that.
The skins are fun and nice to look at but none of them change the game. There is always a chance that this could change in the future but keeping in mind how successful the game is it is hard to imagine that Respawn would go down that road.
That is all for our Apex Legends in-game currency and shops guide. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on picking the right Legend in Apex Legends.