Apex Packs are part of the random loot box system in Apex Legends. In this guide, we are going to go over everything that you need to know about Apex Packs and how you can get them.
What Are Apex Pack And How You Can Get Them
Apex Packs in Apex Legends contain a combination of items in in-game currency. It should be noted that these items are cosmetic and do not contain anything that changes the gameplay or the mechanics of Apex Legends.
Apex Packs can be gained by buying them with real money or leveling up your player level. Not only do Apex Packs include items, but you can also get Crafting Metals. This is crafting material that can be used to craft specific cosmetic items.
You can also buy Apex Packs from the Rotating Shop for 100 Apex Coins for 1 Apex Pack, or 1000 Apex Coins for 1 Apex Pack. Now that we have got that out of the way, you might be interested in knowing about how often you can get Apex Packs in the game.
Reaching level 500 earn you 199 Apex Packs, which is an upgrade over the previous 45. Between levels 2 and 20, you will earn a single Apex Pack at every level. This changes to a single pack per 2 levels between levels 22 and 300. From 305 up to the 500, you will earn a single pack every 5 levels.
Interestingly, Overwatch offers a loot box every level but that is not the case in Apex Legends. It is possible that the game does not have enough cosmetic items in order for players to be able to earn one after every level up.
That is all for our Apex Packs guide. This is all that you needed to know. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on how you can level up the battle pass quickly.