Days Gone is an action-adventure survival horror game developed by Bend Studio and available on PlayStation 4.
Set in a post-apocalyptic open world, the game follows Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter who prefers to live in the wilderness over the safety of human encampments.
Patjens Lakes is an Infestation Area from Days Gone, the video game developed by Bend Studio for PlayStation 4.
Infestation Location & Nests Map
Patjens Lakes Infestation is located south-west of Bear Creek Hot Springs Ambush Camp and north-west of Hot Springs Camp in Belknap.
It is also a location you’ll visit while playing What Did You Do? mission, which means that you’ll reach it during the game’s story.
Additionally, this Belknap Infestation is required to complete the Infestation Exterminator Storyline.
Patjens Lakes Freakers Nest 1
The first nest is extremely easy to locate.
As you can see in the picture above, it is found inside a truck on the bridge leading to Hot Springs.
After you set it on fire, 3 Freakers will come out. Kill them and let the nest burn, then collect the Nest Residue inside the truck.
Patjens Lakes Freakers Nest 2
Moving north, we have a second nest located inside a small shack, by the lake.
Set it on fire, then take out the 4 Freakers that come out.
Once the nest is destroyed, make sure you investigate it for another Nest Residue, as well as ammo and Bandages.
Patjens Lakes Freakers Nest 3
The last nest at this location is even further to the north.
In fact, this nest is on top of the hill overseeing the lakes, inside a concrete building.
When you get on top of the said hill, set the nest on fire with a Molotov Cocktail, then kill the 4 Freakers that come out.
Survival Tips:
- Clear the infestation nests during the day, as Freaker hordes are more active at night and can be more dangerous.
- Keep your distance when setting nests on fire, as the flames may attract Freakers.
- Always keep an eye on your resources, such as ammo and health, as you’ll need them to deal with the Freakers.
- Try to lure Freakers into traps or use stealth to take them down without alerting the entire horde
By clearing the Patjens Lakes Infestation Area, players will not only progress in the Infestation Exterminator Storyline but also unlock fast travel points in the region, making it easier to navigate the game world.
Additionally, exploring the nests may yield valuable items, such as Nest Residue, ammo, and weapons, which can be useful for Deacon throughout his journey.
Make sure you also investigate the building for more Nest Residue and a Lawn Mower Machete.