Horizon Zero Dawn Tips And Tricks For Beginners

Horizon Zero Dawn Tips

Horizon Zero Dawn is a critically acclaimed game and now it is available on PC. Before you get started there are a couple of things that you need to keep in your mind. In this Horizon Zero Dawn guide, we are going to go over some useful tips and tricks that you should keep in mind before getting into the game.

Horizon Zero Dawn Tips And Tricks

The following are some helpful tips and tricks that you should keep in mind before you jump into Horizon Zero Dawn:

Tallnecks And Control Towers

If you have played games like Far Cry then you must be familiar with the towers. Completing these side objectives will give you visibility of the map and will show points of interest nearby. The Tallnecks in the game work in the same way. You need to climb on top of them and hack them in order to reveal portions of the map that are hidden. Doing so will reveal points of interest in the area nearby.

Horizon Zero Dawn Tips

There are a couple of Tallnecks in the open world and one in the Frozen Wilds DLC that you can hack in order to get a better understanding of the map and the open world. Control Towers, on the other hand, are exclusive to the Frozen Wilds DLC. You can hack them or you can damage the glowing parts in order to take them out entirely. You will have to do either of the do as they will damage you and they can also heal hostile machines that are nearby. Taking out the control tower will make killing the machines around it much easier.

Merchants Have New Gear And Free Stuff

You will encounter plenty of merchants as you roam around the open world of Horizon Zero Dawn and one of our tips is to go and talk to them. Merchants can have powerful gear and armor that you can buy. You can even sell items that you do not need for shards. Every merchant gives you a free sample box that has random items. That is why we recommend talking to any merchant that you come across even if you are not interested in buying anything.

You will find merchants in different cities and towns. They will often be outside the towns and you can even come across some of them roaming around the open world. Keep an eye out for them and talk to them when possible.

Unlock Campfires To Traverse The Open World Quickly

You should unlock all the campfires as you progress the game. These allow you to fast travel to different points on the map. This will help you to travel from one point to another quickly. You will often need to travel a huge distance for different quests. You can save time by using these campfires.

Horizon Zero Dawn Tips

Complete Cauldrons To Hack More Machines

Cauldrons are like mini-dungeons in the game where you need to complete puzzles in defeat enemies. Completing these will allow you to hack new machines. While you might not be able to mount all of them, you can turn them to your side and have them attack nearby hostile machines.

Horizon Zero Dawn Tips

Imagine having a huge Sawtooth by your side when you head into. battle. That would certainly change things. The only bummer is that the Sawtooth is going to go crazy and you will not be able to control it. It will attack whatever it sees and will runoff wherever it wants while it is hacked.

Gear Mods

While you can get better gear and weapons from merchants, you can improve them with mods as well. Doing so will increase the damage of your weapons and will increase the resistance of your armor. In the Frozen Wilds DLC, you can even mod your spear to increase the amount of damage it does. Keep that in mind before heading into the game so that you can deal the most amount of damage and take down machines quickly.

Hocus Focus

Your focus is an important tool that you can use. It can be used to spot weak points on enemies and in the world, it can be used to spot supply crates, resources and even collectibles. Whenever you are in a new area, use your focus to scan your surroundings to find things that you might miss without it.


Increase Your Resource Space

As you get resources in the game, you are going to run out of space. That can get very annoying. You will need to increase the resource storage in order to get more items. If you are interested in increasing your resource storage then you can get the Hoarder skill which you will find under the Traveler section of the skills section.

Do Not Go Into Battle Head-On

Going into a battle head-on can be fatal. You need to hide in the tall grass and do some planning beforehand. Use your focus to learn about elements that the enemy is weak against and use the weapons that do damage matching that element. Also, use different weapons that will help you. You can set traps if needed. Your focus will also reveal weak points that can be used to deal high damage.

Corrupted Machines

Corrupted Machines and Daemonic ones are the most hostile. You might be able to beat normal machines without planning but Corrupted and Daemonic ones are going to be much harder.

Stock Up On Healing Potions And Other Items

While you can pick up herbs that will help you heal when you are low on health, you should still have healing items and other resist items to help you play the game and survive the open world. You will also need an item for fast traveling. Be sure to have plenty of those as well.

These are all the Horizon Zero Dawn tips and tricks that we have for you today. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on how you can kill Watchers.

Editor and Senior Content Writer at PrimeWikis. Former PC Hardware Editor at SegmentNext. Gaming since the second grade.

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