Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds Farming Guide: Where To Find

Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds

Dandelion Seed is one of the essential resources. It has many uses, such as quests, ascension material, or crafting material. You can find Dandelion Seeds all over the wild in Mondstadt. With the release of Eula, you are going to need these seeds to level her up. This guide will include all the details on how to farm Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. 

Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact

Dandelion Seeds are a bright glowing resource found in most areas of the game. You require an Anemo ability for the process of harvesting the seeds. A Venti’s charged arrow shot might do the trick, and you can harvest the seeds. You also need Dandelion Seeds to level up the characters Eula and Jean. They are also required in the quests relating to Mondstadt and the Anemo Archon. You need the seeds in the crafting of Windbarrier Potion, Gushing Essential Oil, and Anemoculus Resonance Stones.

Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds

Where to Farm

You can find the seeds all over the game. However, there are some areas where the seeds spawn in high quantity. The plants take almost three days to spawn back after you harvest them. Apart from collecting any seeds that you find along your way, make sure to visit these areas whenever the seeds spawn. One of these is the area outside the gates of Mondstadt. Another is the sloping area between Stone Gate and Dawn Winery. Here you can find plenty of seeds to harvest. 

This is how you can farm Dandelion Seeds in Genshin Impact. If you are interested in learning more you can check out our guide on how you can get Cor Lapis

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