How To Easily Beat Godrick The Grafted In Elden Ring

Godrick Elden Ring

In Elden Ring you will face plenty of different challenging foes. This includes main bosses that you need to beat in order to progress the game. Godrick The Grafted or Godrick The Golden is the second main boss that you encounter. In this Elden Ring guide, we are going to go over how you can easily beat Godrick The Grafted.

Beating Godrick The Grafted In Elden Ring

Godrick The Grafted is easier to beat when compared to Margit, but you will have a much easier time with a bleed build. The boss is weak against bleed, so having a weapon that inflicts bleed is going to be very useful for this boss encounter.

Furthermore, we recommend using fast weapons so that you can fill up that invisible bleed meter faster. Using two bleed weapons is going to help as well. The boss is also weak against poison but it is resistant to fire. So Fire Sling and Catch Flame are not going to be very useful.

Godrick Elden Ring

Rotten Stray Ashes

we recommend using this spirit summon as it does damage over time. You do need to take agro from the boss so that the summon lives long enough for the effect to be inflicted. You will know once it is active by a red aura around the boss.

Once the boss is inflicted by the damage over time effect then its HP bar will slowly drain. Be sure to level up your spirit summon at the roundtable hold in order to deal the most damage.

You can find this spirit summon north of Sellia Under-Stair Site of Grace inside a building with a corpse and a rotten dog nearby. You can get this pretty early on in the game.

With the Rotten Stray Ashes, winning this boss fight is pretty easy. Just keep the agro on you early on and let the damage over time effect take its toll. Once the boss in inflicted, all you need to do is stay back and avoid getting hit.

Godrick Elden Ring

Do note that during the second phase of the fight with Godrick The Grafted, the boss is going to throw fire at you. So keep your distance when that happens and you should win the fight eventually.

Nepheli Loux NPC Summon

If you talked to Nepheli Loux who is near the boss room over a dead body, she will be available as an NPC summon. Generally, summoning NPCs or players to help you increases the health of the boss but we do recommend bringing Nepheli Loux for the fight.

She can be a great distraction, allowing you and your summon to do all the work for you while you stay away. Both of these summons will make quick work of the boss.

This is how you can beat Godrick The Grafted in Elden Ring. If you are interested in learning more then you can check out our guide on how you can complete the Ranni questline.

Editor and Senior Content Writer at PrimeWikis. Former PC Hardware Editor at SegmentNext. Gaming since the second grade.

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