D&D Dark Alliance Puzzles Guide: All Puzzle Solutions

D&D Dark Alliance Puzzles

Your abilities play an important part in the game. If you want to increase their overall potential, then you need to find Attribute points. You can find these attribute points by collecting Attribute Shrines that you can find in different game missions. Finding these shrines is easy, but some are locked by puzzles. You will need to complete the puzzles to acquire the Attribute point. This D&D Dark Alliance guide will include all the details on how you can solve these puzzles. 

How to Solve Puzzles in D&D Dark Alliance 

To solve the puzzles located near the Attribute shrines, you will have to step on some pressure pads or plates. There are sets of these plates, and they have symbols on them. You will need to step on and light four plates. Doing this will allow the barrier around the Attribute shrine to go away. After that, you can go and grab the Attribute point by interacting with the shrine. 

Attribute points provide you with enhancement in your attribute points. There are six attributes in the game Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. The more points you get, the better your attributes will be. 

Designs of the Duergar Puzzle Solution

Get to the chamber on your right and try to locate the fallen pillar. You can find the symbol behind this pillar to understand how the symbol looks like. Now make your way to one corner and step on the pressure plate. However, to activate it, you will have to break the shield surrounding the plate. Reach the other corner to find another plate behind a shield. Break it and activate it. The third plat is near the entrance of the chamber. Look around near the top of the gate to find the Triangle symbol. For the fourth plate, go to the last corner of the area. Here you will see the symbol on the pillar. Step on the right pressure plate. Once this is done, the shield surrounding the attribute shrine will vanish. You can pick the attribute point now. 

Goffin’s Door Puzzle Solution

In the area where you find broken walls, look to the right to find the first symbol near some barrels. On your left, you can see a statue with the second symbol. Look around for a shield and a banner left to it. The third symbol is behind the banner. Go to the end side of the area to find barrels to your left. Break these to find the fourth symbol. The shield will down, and you can collect your attribute point from the shrine. 

The Hall of Judgement Puzzle Solution

After going through the portal, you will come across an area with the shrine. To solve the puzzle, stand on the pressure plate with the symbol on the fallen pillar near the entrance. The second symbol is on the floor right next to the skeleton of a drake. The third is on the roof at the back of the shield. Step on this pressure plate to activate it. The last symbol is behind a chest that you can find behind some wooden barricade. 

This is how you can solve all the puzzles in D&D Dark Alliance. To learn more, check out our guide on the abilities in the game.

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