D the Hunter of the Dead is one of the many NPCs that you can interact with in the game and he has a short questline that you can complete in order to find some encounters and get rewards. In this Elden Ring guide, we are going to walk you through how you can complete the questline for D the Hunter of the Dead.
D The Hunter Of The Dead Questline Steps In Elden Ring
You can first encounter D the Hunter of the Dead in Stormhill, past the Saintsbridge. When you talk to him, he will tell you about enemies in Summonwater Village Ruins. You need to head over to the village, defeat the enemies and then come back and talk to D in order to progress the questline.
Talk to him and he will give you the location for the teleporter that takes you to the Bestial Sanctum where you will encounter Gurranq. If you do not complete these steps then you can find D in the Roundtable Hold, around the roundtable.
Gurranq has a questline of his own and you will need to bring him Deathroots in order to obtain rewards from him. To proceed in the questline you need to beat the Tibia Mariner boss. There are a couple of them, you can find one in Summonwater Village Outskirts.
You will also want to get the map to Bestial Sanctum, which you can find in Dragonbarrow. You can get to the area through Caelid. Once he pops up in the Roundtable Hold, you can talk to him and you will be able to get some spells from him.
The remainder of the steps are tied in with the questline for Fia. So you need to talk to her and get the dagger which you need to give to D the Hunter of the Dead. Check out our Fia questline guide for details on how to finish the questline for D.
This is how you can complete the questline for D the Hunter of the Dead in Elden Ring. If you are interested in learning more then you can check out our guide on how you can complete Lady Tanith’s questline.