Borderlands Anime

Borderlands 3

PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One

Borderlands 3 Director Wants Anime Adaptation And Theme Park

Borderlands Anime

Borderlands is a very popular franchise and the next installment, Borderlands 3 is coming out soon. The team behind the games wants the franchise to become bigger and move out of the gaming realm. Gearbox and the developers want the Borderlands franchise to branch out into other industries including anime and amusement parks.

Borderlands 3 creative director Paul Sage talked about the matter and he mentioned that he would be interested in a Borderlands 3 anime adaptation. A borderlands movie would be cool but an anime adaption is something that is even better. Here is what he had to say regarding the matter:

You know, somebody brought up Love, Death & Robots to me. And I was like, ‘oh hell yeah! That’d be a lot of fun.’ I’d love to see things like that, honestly. We’ll see what the future holds. I mean, hopefully, people love the game. And hopefully, they love all the source material and they want to do that.

Something like that made around Borderlands would be very interesting indeed and I am sure that the fans would like to see that happen someday. Sage also talked about other things that he would like to see and a Borderlands theme park was one of them.

An amusement park with a Borderlands theme would be very special indeed and gamers from all over the world will want to check it out. Here is what Saga had to say regarding the matter:

A Borderlands theme park… Yes! I’ll take a Borderlands theme park!. I’m trying to think of what would be the most obvious ride that you would have… would it be Claptrap’s Cave? You know, when I was a kid, I used to go to Six Flags all the time, and going into the cave was always so fun. And the log ride. So yeah, I’d totally dig something like that.

Borderlands 3 is coming out soon and it will be interesting to see where the franchise goes after the game is released. We might get some DLC but then we need to see some major moves in these directions that Saga has pointed out. Make an anime adaptation or a Borderlands theme park already. That is what the developers want and it is also what the fans are interested in seeing.

Let us know what you think about a Borderlands anime and theme park and whether or not you would be interested in checking them out.

Editor and Senior Content Writer at PrimeWikis. Former PC Hardware Editor at SegmentNext. Gaming since the second grade.

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