Division 2 Water Keeper Liberation Project Guide

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

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Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Water Keeper Liberation Project Guide

Division 2 Water Keeper Liberation Project Guide

Water Keeper Liberation is another Theater Project tied to the storyline in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 developed by Massive Entertainment for PS4Xbox One, and PC.

Water Keeper Liberation Project in Division 2,  features three objectives similar to those from the Water Pipeline Construction Project, with several small modifications.

Water Keeper Liberation Project Description

“A group of citizens has volunteered to go into the sewers to locate fresh water sources and recover plumbing supplies.

Standing in their way are two toxic gases. Methane and True Sons.”

Project Details

Project Location Projects Desk at the Theater Settlement
Unlocking Conditions  Progress through the story

Project Objectives

The project has the following objectives you have to complete.

Requirement Amount
Donate Ceramics 10
Donate Masks 3
Neutralize Veteran True Sons 5

Project Rewards

For completing the Water Keeper Liberation in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 you’ll receive the following rewards.

Reward Details
XP The amount depends on your agent’s level
Blueprint: USC .45 ACP Replica Reusable blueprint, crafts an item at your level

Division 2 Water Keeper Liberation Project Guide

To successfully complete this Division 2 Project complete the requirements below.

Donate Ceramics

Get the Ceramics by dismantling weapons, or by killing Outcast Faction members.

You can also purchase Ceramics from the Ubisoft Club Store, or find them by looting containers such as those in Supply Rooms.

Donate Masks

You can Purchase Masks from any shop or find them in containers. Some enemies will also drop them, or you can opt to craft them using Crafting Materials you have gathered.

Neutralize Veteran True Sons

Kill Veteran True Sons while playing missions, side-activities or while exploring the world. They can be identified by the violet health bars above their heads.

These enemies increase in number as you advance through the game. They should not be confused with the Elite True Sons who are much stronger.

Finalizing the Project

The moment you complete all objectives, access the Project Tab in the game’s menu and donate the Masks and the Ceramics.

To collect your rewards Fast Travel to the Project Manager at the Theater Settlement.

Did you manage to finish Water Keeper Liberation in Division 2? Drop your questions in the comments section below and feel free to check our Division 2 Wiki Hub for similar guides.

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