Destiny 2 Synthcord And Synthstrand Guide: How To Get

Destiny 2 Synthcord

Synthcord is a new resource in Destiny 2. It is used for transmog to change how their armor looks. Acquiring it is not that hard, but you will have to do some things. This guide will include all the details on how to get Synthcord and Synthstrand in Destiny 2. 

How to get Synthcord in Destiny 2

First off, you need to go to Ada-1 and get bounties from him. Completing them will reward you with Synthcord. However, acquiring bounties is not free, and you will have to pay 150 Synthstrand, which has a chance to drop from enemies. There are five types of bounties to choose from. Vanguard, Crucible, Gambit, Destinations, and Raids and Dungeons.

Once you complete any bounty, you will receive a Sythcord. After acquiring Sythcord, the next thing to do is go to Loom. Here you can convert it into Synthweave. This material is then used to change an unlocked armour piece you have into a Universal Armor Ornament.

Armour Synthesis is the name of the transmog process. Remember, you can abandon any bounty you have selected. However, keep in mind that the game will not refund the full amount. You will receive an amount less than 150 Synthstand. Also, another thing to keep in mind that you can perform this process only twenty times in this Season. Usually, it is only ten times

How to get Synthstrand 

You can acquire Synthstrand in Destiny by killing enemies. I say that you will have to grind for it because the chance of Synthstrand dropping from an enemy is low. You will have to kill a lot of enemies to acquire a single Synthstrand. Once you have acquired 150 of them, you can make your way to Ada-1. Here you can exchange your Synthstrand for a bounty. You can abandon the bounty later if you want, but you will not get the full refund. 

Upon completion, you will receive a Synthcord. You can convert Synthcord into Synthweave, which is the primary resource to make transmog. Transmog is changing any unlocked armor that you own to turn it into a Universal Armor Ornament. You can perform the Armour Synthesis process a total of twenty times this season. 

This is how you can get Synthcord and Synthstrand in Destiny 2. To learn more check out our guide on how you can get the Cryosthesia 77k Exotic Stasis Sidearm.

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