Two Days Gone Iron Butte Nero Intel Collectibles can also be found in the sixth region of the video game developed by Bend Studio for PlayStation 4; thus we have created the following locations guide and map to help you discover them.
Iron Butte Nero Intel Locations Map
Similar to the Intel Collectibles in Crater Lake, and Highway 97, in order to get 100% completion in Iron Butte, you’ll have to find all Nero Recorders displayed on our map.
The following guide covers all Nero Recorders in the Iron Butte Region and provides an in-depth approach for each collectible.
The guide follows the same order as the one on our map, thus it will help you track both Nero Intels in Iron Butte.
Intel 1 – Nero Site Order – TS – 03 – 900SQM
Location: The first Days Gone Iron Butte Intel Collectible on our map is located at the only Nero Research Site in this Region of the video game.
You’ll find it very close to the Redwood RV Park Ambush Camp, to the east. To get the collectible, another bike jump is required.
Start by boosting your bike on the road north from the Research Site and when you land on the other side you’ll find a crashed Nero helicopter.
In the small cave above the helicopter, you’ll see the Nero Injector and an IPCA Tech. The Intel Collectible (as you can see in the picture above) is at the edge of the hill.
This is actually a piece of paper on the corpse of a dead Nero Scientist wearing a yellow suit.
Intel 2 – Mobile Medical Site Order – TS – 27 – 760GDQ
Location: The second Days Gone Nero Intel on our map above is fairly easy to find. You can look for it after you unlock the Rogue Tunnel Nero Checkpoint.
The collectible is sitting on a counter in the MMU building with the Gun Locker (also pictured).