Biomutant Bad Ending Guide: Bad Aura Explained

Biomutant Bad Ending

Biomutant is an action role-playing game which has multiple ending that depends on how you play the game. The game has an aura system, and this has an impact on the game’s ending. The aura system has two factions, light and dark. If you side with the light, then you will get a good ending. Choosing the dark will get you a bad ending. This guide will explain what happens when you have a bad aura in the entire game and end up getting a bad ending in Biomutant. 

Bad Ending in Biomutant

Once you are done defeating all of the four World Enders, you will face a new threat. Lupa Lupin will be the final boss in the game. The fight will have six stages in which you will have to deal with him on the ground and underground. Upon defeating him, you will have to finish him off as you can not spare him on this ending.

After killing him, you will come across your tribe’s Sifu. They will be against the healing of the Tree of Life and will want to destroy it. Their thinking is that nature will be rebuilt once the obliteration of all life on Earth is complete.

After this, you and your tribe will make way to the underground, where a spaceship is located. You will see from above as the Tree of Life starts to die, and the world begins to crumble. Once it is done, the Sifu will happy knowing that nature will soon rebuild itself and thrive. 

This is the bad ending of Biomutant. If you want to learn more then you can check out our guide on all the tribe weapons and alignments.

I love supporting my team in the workspace and in Summoner's Rift. Unleashing Haymaker Grit as Sett, jumping from wall to wall as Lucio or giving shot calls as a tank in Ahn'Qiraj, supporting is what I do. I love the Soulsborne series and enjoy a good multiplayer.

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