Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII

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Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Coming to PS5

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake was showcased at E3 2019. The first part of the game will release on March 3, 2020, and will be around 20% of the whole game. The first part of the game will be set in Midgar and it seems that Final Fantasy VII Remake will come to the PS5 as well. This is might not be a surprise for some people, keeping in mind that the PS5 is supposed to release sometime next year.

Square Enix has only talked about the initial chapter and we have no information regarding the following ones. It is possible that these upcoming chapters will release after 2020. If that is indeed the case then it makes sense for Square Enix to release Final Fantasy VII Remake for the PS5. Square Enix president and CEO, Yosuke Matsuda touched on the matter and the following is what he had to say in this regard:

I believe that our teams have made it so that the game will support both the next generation and the current generation of consoles. I believe it is being developed so that it is going to be playable on both, so I’m not really concerned about that and I believe that the fans are also going to be able to enjoy it on both, including the next-generation of consoles.

We are not sure whether the first chapter will come to the PS5 or just the follow-ups. Square Enix could release the initial chapter on PS4 and have it playable via backwards compatibility which has been confirmed for the PS5. What we do know is that the game will be coming to the PS4 no matter what. Porting it to the PS5 might not be all that easy but it is not impossible.

If that does happen then I think that the graphics and gameplay could be held back due to the lower-end PS4. This would not be the first time that a game is spoiled due to the lower-end device.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a game that fans have been waiting for. It has been a long time in the making and I hope that Square Enix can deliver a quality game at the end of all this. From what we have seen so far Final Fantasy VII Remake looks like a great game and I can only imagine what it would look like on the PS5.

Some people were lucky enough to play the demo and interestingly whoever got to play it has great things to say about it. This gives me hope and I guess fans at home are excited about the game as well. We have also learned that each part of Final Fantasy VII Remake will be the size of a standalone Final Fantasy game. You can expect to get two Bluray disks worth of content.

Let us know what you think about Final Fantasy VII Remake coming to the PS5 and whether or not you are interested in playing the game when it comes out next year.

Source: Game Informer

Editor and Senior Content Writer at PrimeWikis. Former PC Hardware Editor at SegmentNext. Gaming since the second grade.

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