Fortuna is the latest addition in Warframe. Fortuna is a debt-internment colony on Venus. The rebel group Solaris United is the current habitant of Fortuna. The game has introduced K-drive Hoverboards that are a form of transportation. You can use the hoverboard to go around areas like the Plains of Eidolon and the Cambion Drift, and some areas of Venus. Transport is not the only thing hoverboards are good at. They also are appealing to the eye. You can perform tricks and styles to show off to your friends. This Warframe guide will include all the details on how to acquire the K-drive Hoverboard.
How To Get the K-Drive Hoverboard in Warframe
To acquire the hoverboard, you will have to complete a special quest. Upon arriving at Fortuna, you will need to talk to Eudico. She can be found at the top end of Fortunate, where you find the doors to Orb Vallis. She will tell you about Thursby and how he is in debt. As Thursby in debt, he needs your help paying it off. Follow the objective marker to find Thursby. Thursby will ask you to go to Orb Vallis and collect three Corpus supply drops so that he can sell them as good products in his store.
Just follow the marker to the areas and find the supply drops. As you get closer and closer to the drops, you will hear them more clearly. After acquiring the drops, Thursby will take to you about talking down a coolant tower. A spy drone will hear this, and Eudico will tell you to track it so she can hack it.
Getting back to Fortuna
After all the spy drone thing, you will come back to Fortuna, where Thursby will ask you to talk to the Biz. He wants you to destroy the debt list that Corpus has. Eudico will ask you to use stealth so that Nef Anyo does not get mad. Go to marker and acquire the list inside the bunker. You will discover that one of Biz’s squad is in danger and will have to get there. Once you arrive there, you will find dead bodies, and scanning them will tell you the location of where others are held. Rescue them and get Data Terminals that enemies will drop. After this, Nef Anyo will tell you that he knows about Thursby’s transgression.
Talking to Eudico
Eudico will express how Thursby is not on Nef Anyo’s good side, and they have to appeal to him. You will need to find new minerals for a coolant tower of Nef’s. Your task will be to defend two extractors and collect power cells to keep them running. Bring the resources to the coolant tower. Nef will start up the coolant without you. It will fail to work, and he will blame the people of Fortuna and that 50 of them be repossessed.
Eudico knows that Nef will not be pleased, and she will give you a present to give to Nef’s troops. Place the gift, which is the K-bomb, on the marker. Deal with the enemies until Profit-Taker Orb shows up. This will be a queue to go back to head back into the base.
Eudico will again ask you to go to the coolant tower. this time she will give you a K-bomb to deal with the Profit-Taker Orb. Deal with the enemies and soon Nef will accept Eudico’s demands.
Getting the K-drive Hoverboard
Once you return Eudico will give you the K-drive Hoverboard. You need to put this in your gear wheel inside your Arsenal. This will allow you to summon your hoverboard at any time you want. You can then roam around Orb Vallis, Cambion Drift, or the Plains of Eidolon and show of your new transport mount.
This is how you can get the K-Drive Hoverboard in Warframe.