Spirit Ashes allow you to summon spirits that can help you in combat.The Legendary Spirit Ashes are some of the best in the game and there is an achievement that you can unlock by finding all of them. In this Elden Ring guide, we are going to cover all of the Legendary Spirit Ashes and where you can find them.
Where To Find All Legendary Spirit Ashes In Elden Ring
The following are all the Legendary Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring and where you can find them:
Lhutel the Headless
Lhutel the Headless is an unmounted Mausoleum Knight. You can get this summon by defeating the Cemetery Shade at the Tombsward Catacombs.
The entrance to the Tombsward Catacombs can be tricky to find but it is right next to the massive pillar shown in the image below:
Black Knife Tiche
This is the spirit of an assassin that attacks enemies with a black knife that is imbued with the Rune of Death. You can get it by defeating Alecto, Black Knife Ringleader at the Ringleader’s Evergaol in Liurnia.
Redmane Knight Ogha
The Redmane Knight Ogha summon can be found by defeating the Putrid Tree Spirit in the War-Dead Catacombs located in Caelid.
To get to this location, you need to travel to the Site of Grace that you unlock by beating Starcourge Radahn and then move north until you reach the area where the cliffside touches the watershore. You can enter by using the small door.
Mimic Tear Ashes
The Mimic Tear is a copy of you. It is going to have the same weapons and armor that you have. It can be found inside the imp statue door in Night’s Sacred Ground in Nokron, Eternal City. You will need a Stonesword key in order to get it.
Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff Ashes
This one can be obtained by defeating the Ancient Hero of Zamor in the Sainted Hero’s Grave west of Leyndell, Royal Capital.
Cleanrot Knight Finlay Ashes
The ashes of Cleanrot Knight Finlay can be found in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree. Start at the Prayer Room Site of Grace and proceed through the door towards the north. Traverse forward until you get to some stairs going down.
Go down and you will see a broken rail on your right and a dead end on the north side. Look over the rail to the east and jump onto the archway. Jump down onto the platform next to you. There should be a gazebo here.
You will see a doorway to the west. Head through it and you will find the ashes inside a chest which is guarded by a Cleanrot Knight.
These are all the Legendary Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring and where you can find them. If you are interested in learning more then you can check out our guide on where you can find all of the legendary talismans.