Genshin Impact Maguu Kenki Boss Guide: Attacks, Strategy, Rewards

Maguu Kenki Genshin Impact

Maguu Kenki, the new boss, made his first appearance at the Midsummer Island Adventure event. With the addition of version 2.0, his location has changed. This Genshin Impact guide will include details on Maguu Kenki’s location, attack pattern, strategies, and more for the boss fight. 

All you need to need to know about Maguu Kenki in Genshin Impact

miHoYo already stated that they would change the location of Maguu Kenki after the Midsummer event. Finally, in version 2.0, the location of Maguu has been changed. You can now find him south of Serpent’s Head on Yashiori Island. If you want the reward for defeating it, you will need to use 40 Original Resin and get it from a Trounce Blossom. 


After defeating the boss, you can have a chance of getting a few drops: 

  1. Shivada Jade Sliver
  2. Shivada Jade Fragment (Level 40+)
  3. Wanderer’s Troupe Artifact set
  4. Marionette Core (Level 30+)
  5. Shivada Jade Chunk (Level 60+)
  6. Instructor’s Artifact set
  7. Shivada Jade Gemstone (Level 75+)
  8. Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
  9. Vayuda Turquoise Fragment (Level 40+)
  10. Berserker Artifact set
  11. Vayuda Turquoise Chunk (Level 60+)
  12. Lucky Dog Artifact set
  13. Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone (Level 75+)
  14. Gladiator’s Finale Artifact set 

Attack Patterns and Strategies

Maguu Kenki has two dash ability. The first is where he dashes and performs a swirling elemental attack. The second dash is when he dashes and leaves an afterimage. This afterimage will then mirror the Maguu Kenki’s next attack. Dodging both of these dashes is quite easy to do.

Maguu Kenki’s main attack pattern relies on his masks. The Maguu Kenki can do three different types of mask attacks. The first is where he sends his mask ahead of his position, damaging anything in the path. The second is the defensive ask which protects it from ranged attacks, and the third is the mask that explodes. Dodging all the mask attacks are important as they hit for serious damage. 

The device around Maguu Kenki also has attacks that deal AOE damage to the player. The device will perform an Anemo vortex that will suck the player towards it. It has a slam attack, double slash, and a Cyro slam to follow up with. 

This is what you need to know about the Maguu Kenki boss in Genshin Impact. To learn more check out our guide on how you can get Mysterious Memento Lens.

I love supporting my team in the workspace and in Summoner's Rift. Unleashing Haymaker Grit as Sett, jumping from wall to wall as Lucio or giving shot calls as a tank in Ahn'Qiraj, supporting is what I do. I love the Soulsborne series and enjoy a good multiplayer.

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