Wildermyth Best Abilities Guide: Best Abilities For Every Class

Wildermyth Best Abilities

Wildermyth is one of Steam’s latest releases. There are three classes in Wildermyth, and all of these classes have to select abilities. On each level up, you have the choice to choose one ability from the options given. This can be hard to decide as you do not know which ability will favor you in the early and late game. In addition, some abilities are better than other abilities in retrospect. This Wildermyth guide will include all the details about the best abilities to choose from for every class in the game. 

Best Abilities for All Classes in Wildermyth 

The three classes in Wildermyth are Hunter, Mystic, and Warrior. Following are three abilities that you most definitely should pick: 


The three abilities you need to pick in the Hunter class are: 


This ability allows you to get a free attack if a powered-up attack on the first enemy enters the arena does not spring. For hunters using a bow, you need this ability to get a free attack. You can make use of this even if no one enters the target area. 


This ability gives you an action point, and attacks will cost only one action point in this turn. You can use this ability only once, though. This is the most important ability on your hunter as this can be a tide-turner. Most players use this ability against bosses as it allows them to attack 2-3 times in one turn because of the low action point consumption. 


This ability refunds you an action point for every kill you perform. You can think of this as a passive ability which is quite useful. As it requires you to kill an enemy to gain an action point, some players will not like it. However, getting an action point back allows you to attack twice at once. 


The three abilities you need to pick in the Mystic class are:


This ability gives you 2 armor. Mystics are a class that does not have much health and is quite squishy. Having all the health and armor is useful in all situations. Even 2 armor can be useful and can save you in many instances. 


This ability allows the user to form a flame and use it on a debris tile. Debris tiles are pretty common in all fights. Sot this ability is quite useful on your Mystic. This ability allows you to even attack twice by using the flame on an enemy tile then focusing on the second enemy. 


This ability deals damage to all enemies entering the range. Mystics are mostly used to kill a large number of enemies. This ability does not do serious damage but can kill weaker units. This will also damage powerful units so that you can deal with stronger attacks and finish them off quickly.  


The three abilities you need to pick in the Warrior class are:


This ability causes all of your melee attacks to cost only one action point. Tanks can make good use of this ability because of how they can one-shot weaker units. You will mostly see tanks surrounded by more units, so having this ability allows your tank to attack twice if needed and clear enemies. This ability is of no use when you have to move as you will not get a chance to attack enemies.


This ability allows you to counter-attack after a successful melee block or dodge. This is by far the best ability on a tank. This is because your tanks are the center of attention. As they take the greatest damage, they will also dodge and block most attacks. Having this ability allows them to counter-attack and kill units in most situations. If you are making your tank tankier and having more armor, this ability will be that useful. If you have the proper stats for dodging and blocking most attacks, then go for this ability. 


This ability allows you to perform 3 reaction strikes per turn. This is useful in scenarios where you have one melee character and more ranged ones. Your melee can tank more effectively by reacting more. However, it reuires three enemies to enter into range in a turn.

These are the best abilities for every class in Wildermyth. If you want to learn more then you can check out our beginner’s guide for some useful tips and tricks.

I love supporting my team in the workspace and in Summoner's Rift. Unleashing Haymaker Grit as Sett, jumping from wall to wall as Lucio or giving shot calls as a tank in Ahn'Qiraj, supporting is what I do. I love the Soulsborne series and enjoy a good multiplayer.

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