Gold and Goblins Tips

Gold and Goblins Tips

GobliThe world of gaming is a vast yet small one. You find a good mobile game, you play it till oblivion till there’s no visible way to get any better, you get bored by doing the same repetitions all over again, and it concludes the end of an arc. Luckily, that stuff doesn’t happen that often in Gold and Goblins. 

The premise is pretty simple, you explore and mine and then exchange it in order to get gold. However, even in such a mundane game, there’s always something to improve and build upon. As getting good has become a part of every gamer’s DNA. 

Unfortunately, that -in itself- can not be achieved by hard work alone. So today, we’re going to analyze a well-consorted list of some of the most valuable tips and tricks you can implement in Gold and Goblins.

So with that said, let’s get started and get a headfirst nosedive into the world of Gold and Goblins tips!

Gold and Goblins: Top Tips and Tricks to Remember!

Lighthearted banter aside, Gold and Goblins can be quite challenging at times since you’d be trudging towards the mines no matter what you do. 

The game is all about patience and good decisions. However, in order to make those decisions, you need to have a solid understanding of what to do and what to skip. 

1. Focus on Getting Keys in Events

When playing Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner, it’s important to focus on getting the keys during events.

The keys will allow you to unlock new mineshafts and boost your gold income, which is crucial for becoming an idle mining tycoon.

To get the keys as quickly as possible, focus on using your strongest goblins to break through the rocks blocking your way, and resource your other goblins on the other rocks and chests that aren’t on the direct path to the keys.

This will help you maximize your resources and progress faster. It’s important to remember that during an event, the key objective is to get the keys, not focusing on gems or other objectives.

Doing this will also provide you with a boost to progress faster and have a better chance at completing the said event while getting a good ranking.

2. Save Cards to Automate Mines

It’s important to be patient with your cards and save them to help automate your mines.

Automating your mines will allow you to collect gold even when you’re not actively playing the game, which is a great way to build wealth and progress in the game.

To automate your mines, you’ll need to collect cards that can be used to upgrade your mineshafts and goblins.

When you first start playing, it can be tempting to use your cards as soon as you get them, but it’s important to resist this urge and save them for when they’re needed most.

Instead, prioritize which mines and goblin you want to automate first, then save your cards for those specific upgrades.

Another thing to consider: the game has daily and event limitations for the number of cards you can hold, so you might have to pick wisely and discard cards that are not needed, depending on your gameplay and strategy.

3. Use the Strongest Goblins to Get Keys

Keys are a crucial element in the game as they allow you to unlock new mineshafts and boost your gold income, which is vital for becoming a mining enigma.

To get keys quickly and efficiently, use your strongest goblins to break through the rocks that are blocking the way.

This will allow you to get to the keys faster, and progress in the game quicker.

In addition, you might want to consider the abilities that some of your goblins have, if there are any that can break certain types of rocks more efficiently, you should utilize them as well.

It’s important to remember that not all goblins are created equal, and some will be stronger and more efficient at getting keys than others.

It’s a good idea to assess the strength of your goblins and prioritize using the strongest ones to get the keys. 

4. Upgrade Strategy: Crit Chance vs. Discount

As you progress through the game, you’ll have to make decisions about how to upgrade your mineshafts and goblins. One important decision you’ll face is whether to prioritize upgrading crit chance or discount.

Both can provide important benefits to your gameplay, so it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each:

Crit chance refers to the likelihood of a goblin’s attack to land a critical hit on a rock. This can greatly increase the speed at which a goblin can break through rocks and get to the keys.

On the other hand, goblin discount upgrades reduce the cost of purchasing new goblins, which can be helpful if you’re trying to expand your army.

Choosing the Correct Path

When you’re deciding which upgrade to prioritize, consider your current situation and what you need most.

If you’re close to maxing out your mines, upgrading your crit chance can help you break through rocks faster and progress in the game more quickly.

But if you’re having trouble expanding your goblin army, upgrading your goblin discount can be more beneficial for you.

Do note that balancing your upgrade strategy is key, having too much crit chance without enough discount can slow down the rate of your goblin growth, whereas having too much discount without a proper crit chance can slow down your mines’ output.

Ultimately, it’s important to consider your current situation and what you need most to make the right decision and advance your gameplay.

5. Take Advantage of Fast Forge in Frost Events

Events play a crucial role in building wealth and earning rewards. One event that you should pay attention to is the Frost Event, as it offers a fast forge that can significantly boost your gold income.

The fast forge allows you to quickly upgrade your mineshafts and goblins, which can have a significant impact on the amount of gold earned per hour.

To take full advantage of the fast forge during the Frost Event, you should focus on upgrading the mineshafts and goblins that will provide the most significant benefit to your gold income.

It’s important to consider which mines or goblins are the most crucial to your current gameplay strategy and prioritize upgrading them first.

Additionally, timing is important to consider, for example, if you have a limited time to finish an event, investing in upgrades that will provide immediate or faster results will be beneficial.

6. Be Strategic with In-game Purchases

One of the most important things to consider when making in-game purchases is the return on investment (ROI). This means evaluating the benefit that a purchase will provide in relation to the cost.

For example, it may be more beneficial to purchase a package of gold instead of a single goblin, as the gold can be used to upgrade mineshafts and goblins, which will ultimately provide a greater benefit.

Another important thing to consider is timing, some purchases have time-limited deals or discounts, and it’s beneficial to make purchases when there’s a promotion that’s on.

It’s also a good idea to avoid impulse buying and instead, make a list of the things you want to purchase and prioritize them based on their importance and the potential benefit they will provide.

By being strategic with in-game purchases, you can make the most of your money and quickly and efficiently build your wealth and progress in the game.

7. Utilize Daily Login Rewards and Achievements

Daily login rewards are a great way to earn resources such as gold and cards, which can be used to upgrade mineshafts and goblins. Make sure to log in to the game every day to claim these rewards and take advantage of the bonuses they provide.

Achievements are another way to earn rewards and bonuses in the game. These can include tasks such as upgrading a certain number of mineshafts or merging a certain number of goblins.

By completing these achievements, players can earn valuable resources and bonuses that will help them progress in the game.

8. Join or Create a Clan for Bonuses

Joining or creating a clan can provide a variety of bonuses that can help you progress in the game and build your wealth. Clans are groups of players that come together to help each other out and share resources.

By joining a clan, you can gain access to bonuses such as increased gold income and faster mine production. Additionally, you can also earn additional rewards from clan events and participate in clan challenges.

If you can’t find a clan that suits you, you can create one yourself. By creating a clan, you can recruit other players, share resources, and take part in clan events and challenges, the bonuses you gain from the clan will help you progress and make more gold.

Remember that being a part of a clan requires communication and cooperation, so be sure to be an active member and contribute to the clan by sharing resources and advice with other members, and participating in clan activities.

9. Manage Timers Effectively

One of the most important timers to keep an eye on is the timer for upgrading mineshafts and goblins, as they can take a significant amount of time to complete.

Be mindful of when these upgrades will be completed, and plan your gameplay around them.

If you know that a mine will be completed in a few hours, you can focus on other mines or activities in the meantime, and come back to that mine once it’s ready.

Gold and Goblins Tips

It’s also important to keep track of the event timers and make sure you have enough time to complete all the objectives and earn the rewards.

This requires planning and prioritizing, you might have to give up on some objectives and focus on completing the most important ones before the event ends.

Additionally, utilizing the idle income feature can be useful to continue earning gold even when you’re not playing, but don’t rely on it, it’s best to check in on the game regularly to manage the timers and make the best use of your time.

10. Make Use of Power-ups and Free Gifts

In Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner, power-ups and free gifts can provide a significant boost to your progress and wealth.

These bonuses can help you to quickly and efficiently build your gold income and expand your goblin army.

Power-ups such as the coin magnet, goblin boost, and speed boost, can be used to increase your gold income, speed up production, and make your goblins more efficient.

These bonuses are limited-time offers, so it’s essential to use them strategically and at the right time, for example, during events or when trying to complete an objective.

Free gifts such as daily chests and video rewards can also provide valuable resources and bonuses.

Make sure to claim your daily chest and take advantage of the rewards it provides, and if you’re running low on resources, consider watching videos to earn a temporary boost.

11. Customize Settings and Preferences

Contrary to popular belief, customizing/tuning settings according to your skillset can have a major impact on your gameplay.

These options can help to improve the overall look and feel of the game and make it more enjoyable to play.

Customizing settings such as sound and music volume, screen brightness, and game speed can help to enhance the gameplay experience and improve the look of the game.

Additionally, you can also customize preferences like turning on/off notifications or setting automatic offline income collection.

By doing this, you can control how often they receive notifications and how much gold they want to collect when they are not playing the game.

12. Participate in Events and Challenges

Events are limited-time challenges that provide unique rewards and bonuses for players who complete certain objectives.

Participation in events can earn you valuable resources, cards, and boosts that can help you progress in the game more quickly.

Be sure to keep an eye on the event schedule and plan your gameplay accordingly. Challenges are another way to earn rewards and bonuses in the game. These can include tasks such as reaching a certain mine level or merging a certain number of goblins.

By completing challenges, you can earn valuable resources and bonuses that will help you progress in the game.

13. Make Use of In-game Currency and Rewards

In-game currency and rewards play a crucial role in building your wealth and progress. By making use of the various types of in-game currency and rewards, you can upgrade your mineshafts and goblins, unlock new features and advance in the game.

Gold is the primary in-game currency, used to upgrade mineshafts, buy new goblins, and perform other in-game actions. Gaining as much gold as possible is essential to progress in the game.

Cards are another type of in-game currency, used to upgrade goblins and mineshafts. By collecting and upgrading cards, you can improve your goblins and mineshafts and increase your gold income.

Rewards such as gems, elixir, and boosters, earned from completing tasks or participating in events, can be used to purchase power-ups, speed up production, and improve your game’s performance.

By making use of the in-game currency and rewards in Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner, you can upgrade your mineshafts and goblins, unlock new features and advance in the game, and increase your gold income more efficiently.

14. Take Advantage of the Mysterious Chests Found Throughout the Game

In Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner, mysterious chests are a valuable resource that can be found throughout the game. These chests contain a variety of rewards and bonuses that can help you progress and build your wealth.

They can contain gems, elixir, and boosters that can be used to purchase power-ups, speed up production, and improve your game’s performance. They also contain cards that can be used to upgrade goblins and mineshafts, increasing your gold income.

As you progress through the game, you will come across various types of mysterious chests with different levels of rarity, and rewards will depend on the rarity level of the chest you found.

It is important to not overlook these mysterious chests, as they can provide a significant boost to your game’s performance, so be sure to keep an eye out for them and claim your rewards when they appear.

15. Watch Videos for Temporary Bonuses

Watching videos is a sure-fire way to give your gameplay a boost.

By watching a video, you can earn temporary bonuses such as a coin magnet, goblin boost, and speed boost, that can help to increase your gold income, speed up production, and make your goblins more efficient.

But make sure to use these bonuses strategically, as they are time-limited and you only have a certain amount of chances to watch them per day.

So, time it right and watch videos at the opportune moment to maximize their effects and take your gameplay to the next level!

Don’t miss out on this easy opportunity to boost your progress and wealth. Keep an eye out for the video reward option and make it a regular part of your gameplay strategy in Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner.


In conclusion, Gold and Goblins: Idle Miner can be a challenging game that requires a combination of strategy, skill, and patience to be successful.

By following the Gold and Goblins tips provided above, you can optimize your gameplay experience and make the most of the various in-game features and mechanics.

From creating a clear path to keys, saving your cards to automate mines, upgrading strategically, utilizing daily login rewards and achievements, and customizing your settings and preferences.

To participate in events, and challenges while making use of in-game currency and rewards, mysterious chests, and temporary bonuses from videos.

By keeping these tips in mind and incorporating them into your gameplay strategy, you can take your Gold and Goblins experience to the next level and become a master of the game.

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Muhib is a huge MOBA fan that loves to get crafty in the Summoner's Rift. As a tech geek, you will often hear him talk about the latest and greatest gear in the current market! Oh, and good luck winning a Genshin Impact bout against him.

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