Ningguang is a 4-star Geo user that is on the Childe banner as part of the Genshin Impact update 2.2. Even though she is not the best when it comes to elemental reactions, she can still do serious amounts of damage. In order to make the most of her, you are going to need the right artifacts and weapon. In this Genshin Impact guide, we are going to go over the materials you need to level up Ningguang and recommend a build for her.
Genshin Impact Ningguang Ascension And Talent Materials
In order to make the most out of Ningguang, you are going to need to level her up and her talents. The following are the resources that you are going to need in order to do that.
Ascension Materials
The following are the ascension materials that you need in order to level up Ningguang to 90:
- 1x Prithiva Topaz Sliver
- 9x Prithiva Topaz Fragment
- 9x Prithiva Topaz Chunk
- 6x Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
- 46x Basalt Pillar
- 168x Glaze Lily
- 18x Recruit’s Insignia
- 30x Sergeant’s Insignia
- 36x Lieutenant’s Insignia
Other than that you are also going to need 414 Hero’s Wit and 420,000 Mora. You can get Prithiva Topaz Slivers and the higher tier variants of the resource by beating the Geo Hypostasis or Primo Geovishap. You do need to spend 40 resin for each encounter. Geo Hypostasis is also going to drop Basalt Pillar. Glaze Lilies can be found in the wild in Liyue. Check out the terrace for some of them.
Talent Materials
The following are the materials that you are going to need in order to upgrade all of Ningguang’s talents:
- 9x Teachings of Prosperity
- 63x Guide to Prosperity
- 114x Philosophies of Prosperity
- 18x Recruit’s Insignia
- 66x Sergeant’s Insignia
- 93x Lieutenant’s Insignia
- Spirit Locket of Boreas
- 3x Crown of Insight
You are also going to need a total of 4,950,000 Mora. Recruit’s Insignia and the higher tier variants of the resource can be obtained by beating Fatui enemies. Spirit Locket of Boreas by completing the weekly Wolf of the North Challenge or the wolf boss. Crown of Insight is commonly exclusive to events. Typically you can earn one of these from an event. You can also get it by upgrading the Shrine Tree in Inazuma.
Best Genshin Impact Ningguang Build
The following are the weapons and artifacts that we can recommend for Ningguang.
Best Weapons
Memory of Dust is one of the best weapons that we can recommend for Ningguang. This is a 5-star weapon, so you will need to spend your Primogems on the weapons banner in order to get it. The bonus stat of the weapon is attack%. It increases shield strength by 20%. Hitting enemies with the weapon increases attack by 4% for 8 seconds. While protected by a shield, this effect is increased by 100%. The weapon is on the Childe banner as part of Genshin Impact update 2.2. So you can get it now if you want it.
Prototype Amber is an alternative 4-star weapon that we can recommend if you are not interested in spending all those Primogems on the weapon banner and wishing for a 5-star weapon. It has HP% as the bonus stat. Using an elemental burst gives you 4 energy every 2 seconds for a total of 6 seconds. Furthermore, all members of the party are going to get 4% HP every 2 seconds for this duration of time.
If you are going for an elemental sub DPS build then we can also recommend the Skyward Atlas. The weapon has attack% as the bonus stat. It increases the elemental damage bonus by 12%. When you attack there is a 15% chance of earning the favor of clouds, which si going to seek enemies and deal 160% attack damage. This effect can only take place once every 30 seconds.
Another great 4-star alternative is Solar Pearl. It has crit rate as the bonus stat which is great if you are looking to hit hard. Normal attacks increase elemental skill and elemental burst damage by 20% for 6 seconds. Furthermore, elemental skill and elemental burst hits increase normal attack damage by 20% as well.
Best Artifacts
Archaic Petra is the best set for Ningguang. It increases geo damage bonus by 15% and when you get an elemental shard all party members get a 35% damage bonus for the specific element for 10 seconds. We do recommend using 2-piece Archaic Petra and 2-piece Noblesse Oblige. This is going to give you a 15% geo damage bonus and a 20% elemental burst damage bonus.
This is how we recommend you build Ningguang in Genshin Impact. To learn more you can check out our guide on what you need to level up and build Childe.