
I love supporting my team in the workspace and in Summoner's Rift. Unleashing Haymaker Grit as Sett, jumping from wall to wall as Lucio or giving shot calls as a tank in Ahn'Qiraj, supporting is what I do. I love the Soulsborne series and enjoy a good multiplayer.

Returnal Ether Guide: How To Get And Use

You might have noticed that after every death, many of the items you scavenged during exploration are not in your inventory. This is how Returnal and roguelikes in particular work. However, dying will affect some items. Such things are Ether. In this Returnal guide, we are going to walk you through how you can get Ether and what it can be used for. How To Get Ether In Returnal There are three ways...[Read More]

Genshin Impact Adventure Rank Guide: How To Level Fast

There’s a lot a player can do in the open world of Genshin Impact. You have characters to level up, and enemies to battle, but most of all, you need to progress through the game.  However, this ‘progression’ works a bit differently than single-player games. You have no final boss to kill; there are no in-game checkpoints either. So, how does one track their progression in Ge...[Read More]

Returnal Maximum Health Guide: How To Increase

Returnal’s combat revolves around trying to avoid getting hit. The more you dodge, the more adrenaline meter you have and the more manageable the combat becomes. However, you will get hit eventually and a lot at that. The only way to make it through the whole game is to increase your maximum health so you can stay in the combat for a prolonged period. In this Returnal guide, we walk you through ho...[Read More]

Returnal House Guide: How To Unlock And Get Inside

Even though you are on Atropos, an alien planet, you will find things you can relate to. Like a 20th century house that you can find on your run. In this Returnal guide, I will discuss where to find the house and how to unlock it so you can go inside. How To Unlock The House In Returnal As you explore the world of Atropos in Returnal, you will soon come upon a house that one can find between two c...[Read More]